
Extensive experience. Deep insights. A wide reaching network.

Our expertise 

We have built a significant amount of experience covering all aspects of the Capital Market over the years, having worked with the investor relations departments and management teams of over 50 companies of all sizes from a variety of sectors. 

Having attended and organised countless investor meetings and having guided numerous companies through a variety of situations, we have gained deep insights into how the market works and how investors think. 

Using our insights and experience we can be your trusted partner and make sure your company makes the most of being listed. We:
  • develop / optimise your equity story;
  • ensure consistent messaging in all of your IR documents;
  • select and engage the right investment banks as partners;
  • identify the key markets for roadshows;
  • identify and capture the interest of the right investors;
  • find and gain access to the most important conferences;
  • proactively and consistently engaging with interested investors;
  • gather market feedback and help you learn from it;
  • help you organise your investor events (CMDs, reverse roadshows, etc.);
  • advise you on facilitating capital increases in the most effective way;
  • are always available to answer any questions you might have around your IR work and act as your sparring partner.

Our network

We have built an extensive network of investors across all parts of Europe and North America, as well as direct relationships with the most relevant investment banks and brokers that we can leverage on your company's behalf. This allows us to engage on your behalf with the most relevant market participants for your company in numerous different countries.

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